Software Development

Web, Mobile, Desktop & More

Customized Line of Business Applications

Dymeng has long been involved in developing custom applications, in some cases contributing to the definition of industry best practices and popular tooling (see: Microsoft Most Valuable Professional)

Web Applications

The go-to for most general software use, web applications are a great choice for line of business applications, administrative tooling, customer portals and more.

We’ve been developing custom business applications since jQuery was the savior of the industry in the mid 2000s, and since then have utilized the majority of modern web development platforms and practices.

Whether it’s Angular, React, Vue or specialty tooling and platforms, Dymeng has the experience to create scalable frontend applications for your business needs.

  • Easy to develop, uses well-known technologies
  • Highly transferrable skills
  • Simple release cycles and version control
  • Requires internet connectivity to use
  • Limited device integration capabilities (camera, GPS, etc.)
  • Performance limitations
  • Customer portals
  • Authorization tracking
  • Time & task tracking
  • Scheduling applications
  • Service routing
  • Integrated task management

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications are ideal for end users that work in the field, device integration needs (camera, calling, GPS, etc.) or for consumer facing applications where the general user expects to have a dedicated app.

While mobile apps can serve quite specific needs and are the expectation of many users, the number of choices and impact of those choices for development is considerable. Mobile applications can be developed natively for Android and/or iOS, or via cross-platform tooling such as React Native, Flutter, Xamarin/Maui and many others.

Dymeng has built and deployed multiple business apps to both Android and iOS platforms, including maintenance and update cycles spanning years.

Primary Advantages
  • Ability to utilize device capabilities such as camera, video capture or advanced location and inertial data
  • Offline work can be done with well-defined syncing
  • Native performance and "look and feel" are on phones and tablets are excellent
Primary Disadvantages
  • Increased development time and specialized skills required
  • Release cycles and store approvals can be difficult to navigate and require time and planning
  • Device manufacturer updates and release cycles often force continued development costs
Use Cases
  • Field work task & time logging
  • Customer portals
  • Image, video & location capture
  • Mobile teams tracking (geofencing)

Desktop Applications

While the heyday of desktop development is somewhat of a bygone era, for niche needs these applications are still highly valuable tools.  When it comes to high performance needs, highly responsive user interfaces, direct filesystem and operating system access, desktop applications continue to be the only way to achieve them. 

Many of Dymeng’s developers have long histories in desktop application development and we’re always excited to return to these simple yet powerful development environments. 

  • High performance applications
  • Better data security and privacy
  • Ongoing and operating costs are negligible
  • Local only, can be difficult to share or sync data between users
  • Specific to a single target operating system
  • Specialized development skills required
  • Simulation software
  • 3D modeling & design
  • Custom automated lighting control
  • Sensor devices

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) make use of common web technologies to build user interfaces that can be packaged and deployed to various types of devices.  Essentially, this is reusable code that can run on phones, tablets, desktops or inside web pages. 

Primary Advantages
  • Single codebase can be utilized on most platforms (phone, tablet, desktop, web)
  • Uses ubiquitous web development platforms
  • Can operate in offline modes
Primary Disadvantages
  • Device-specific features are generally based on a lowest common denominator
  • Performance limitations
  • While designing and building for a wide array of target platforms, it can be difficult to have a highly functional and polished interface for all targets
Use Cases
  • Time & task tracking forms used across desktop, mobile & web
  • Quick review forms
  • Highly portable applications
  • General use applications where device-level functionality isn't a concern

Honorable Mentions

Some software is critical to operating a business and obtaining company goals, but don’t tend to get the limelight.  Below are a few examples of lesser-known yet equally important types of software development services Dymeng provides.

Backend Services

User-facing applications get all the glory, but in reality these hidden backend services are unsung heroes, responsible for the bulk of business processes. 

We work with critical backend services, architecting and implementing domain logic and algorithms, wrapping them in bulletproof automated test harnesses and hosting them on stable and scalable infrastructures.

Hardware Interfacing

Custom hardware interfaces can be critical for companies with physical devices as a core product. Dymeng not only works with this low-level programming, but does so with the overall vision and holistic system in mind.

Custom sensor data from a chip. Desktop drivers for 3D scanners and printers. Custom controllers for flight training simulators. We have the  programming skills required and enjoy the opportunity to work on these interesting projects.

Let Dymeng help your business grow.