Modernizing a Legal Legacy System

The Client, a legal service provider, grappled with a 15-year-old system built on classic Microsoft ASP and Access. This outdated technology created operational inefficiencies, jeopardized data integrity, and limited functionality. 

Dymeng worked with the Client to undertake a multi-phased modernization approach. The Client now enjoys operational efficiency, accurate data insights, and improved member service.


The Legacy Landscape

For years, the Client relied on a system incapable of keeping pace with updated technologies. Their archaic technology hampered operational efficiency, exposing the law firm to security risks and limiting its growth potential. 

The Client’s lack of robust data hygiene practices and backups threatened data integrity, limiting the accuracy of their reporting. Key tasks like utilization tracking, reporting, and billing were bogged down in manual processes, consuming valuable resources and hindering growth.


The Dymeng Transformation

Recognizing the critical importance of data integrity, Dymeng prioritized its stabilization. Our team implemented automated hygiene procedures and established secure backups, ensuring data reliability for informed decision-making. 

To minimize disruption and preserve core functionality, Dymeng adopted a phased modernization approach. The system was rebuilt piece by piece, gradually replacing the outdated components with modern solutions. This “strangler fig” methodology facilitated a smooth transition to the new system.

Manual tasks that hampered efficiency were systematically replaced with custom-built tools. Dymeng automated utilization tracking, reporting, and billing, significantly boosting productivity and reducing operational costs. 

The new system seamlessly integrated with the Client’s existing legal case management software, PC Law’s Time Matters, and call center phone system API, creating a unified platform for data and communication, streamlining workflows, and optimizing service delivery.

Understanding the complexities of the Client’s diverse contracts, Dymeng implemented a customizable formula system. This empowered the Client to adjust utilization calculations based on specific terms, ensuring accurate tracking across various client requirements. 

To enhance transparency and engagement, Dymeng created a secure online member portal. This provided members of the Client’s customer base with convenient access to legal documents, service benefits, and personalized information, empowering them to manage their legal needs effectively.


The Results

The transformation brought about by our team’s work yielded significant benefits. Enhanced data integrity empowered the Client to make informed decisions and pursue strategic growth initiatives. 

The new system boasts greater uptime, maximizing efficiency and increasing operational resilience. Automation streamlined operations, boosting productivity and reducing costs. 

Transparent utilization tracking provided valuable data for analyzing contract performance and informing member engagement strategies. With convenient access to resources and information, empowered members experienced increased satisfaction and engagement with the Client’s services.



By modernizing their legacy system, the Client achieved operational efficiency, gained valuable data insights, and empowered their members, proving that even the most entrenched systems can be revitalized to support growth and success.

The successful process used for this transformation could be applied to almost any industry to a similar effect. For companies with legacy systems, a phased modernization strategy minimizes disruption, while data hygiene prioritization ensures reliable insights for informed decision-making in the future.

Custom-built tools and seamless integrations pave the way for automation, boosting efficiency and reducing costs. The formula system for utilization tracking and the member portal are readily adaptable to different industries, offering customized solutions and empowered customer experiences. 

Whether grappling with healthcare records, inventory management, or customer accounts, companies burdened by legacy systems can leverage Dymeng’s expertise to unlock optimized operations, data-driven decisions, and empowered stakeholder engagement.